Rendering of The Ariadne Getty Foundation Senior Housing
Scheduled for completion in early 2021, The AGF Senior Housing will not only support the disenfranchised LGBTQ seniors in L.A. but will also serve as a national business model for organizations across the country.

Your Vote Matters.
View AGF’s full Instagram GOTV campaign here.

Nats Getty and her fashion line Strike Oil released The Vote Tee to mobilize voters in the 2020 election, with 15% of all proceeds donated to the ACLU in honor of Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
The AGF celebrates GLAAD's #SpiritDay2020
COVID-19 has impacted our most vulnerable LGBTQ youth and left them without critical resources and support systems. During this time, LGBTQ visibility in the media must be prioritized. On October 15, 2020, The AGF joined in celebration of GLAAD’s #spiritday anti-bullying campaign, which brought visibility to encouraging stories from young activists and a wave of purple in support of LGBTQ youth.

Progress on The AGF Senior Housing
In early 2021, pending COVID-19 restrictions, the Los Angeles LGBT Center will open The Ariadne Getty Foundation Senior Center in Los Angeles. This new senior housing center will provide housing and essential services to LGBTQ seniors in need.
The AGF supports 2020 Rally for Equality in Indianapolis
Shelly’s Voice, co-founded by AGF content curator Dominic Conover, GLAAD, Indiana Youth Group, The Ariadne Getty Foundation, Dignity USA, PFLAG Indianapolis, and various other critical advocacy groups partnered together to safely gather supporters, amplify trans voices, educate Hoosiers on LGBTQ needs, and demand full inclusion and protection of the LGBTQ community in Indiana schools. View Caravan Rally Photos

Solidarity Ad in Los Angeles Blade
The AGF stands in solidarity with activists and political leaders who are actively combating racial inequality, police brutality, and other intersectional causes. We are with you as a proud ally, supporter of LGBTQ press, the First Amendment and Right of Assembly.

Indiana Statehouse Racial Justice Sit-In

Ariadne participates on The Female Quotient's panel in Davos.
Moderator Ryan Heath discusses the importance of LGBTQ+ visibility with panel participants Sarah Kate Ellis, Ariadne Getty, Nats Getty, Gigi Gorgeous Getty, and Wanuri Kahiu at The Female Quotient's Equality Lounge at the 2020 World Economic Forum annual meeting.

AGF and GLAAD host LGBTQ-focused panel in Davos
Ariadne Getty and Geena Rocero talk LGBTQ+ visibility at a panel discussion sponsored by the Ariadne Getty Foundation and GLAAD during the 2020 World Economic Forum annual meeting.

Talking International Democracy in Davos
Helena and The AGF host a dinner with important business leaders from across the world to discuss the importance of international democracy during the 2020 World Economic Forum annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland.

AGF hosts LGBTQ-focused dinner during World Economic Forum
Ariadne Getty, Yo Yo Ma, and Sarah Kate Ellis were among the 60 guests who attended the Ariadne Getty Foundation’s private dinner focusing on global LGBTQ+ equality during the 2020 World Economic Forum annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland.

AGF celebrates GLAAD at annual Tidings holiday party
(left to right: Sarah Kate Ellis (CEO of GLAAD), Dominic Conover, Ariadne Getty, Shelly Fitzgerald, Victoria Warren, and Leigh Vales)

LGBT Asylum Project thanks AGF
A volunteer from the LGBT Asylum Project thanks the Ariadne Getty Foundation for its support through a beautiful illustration of Ariadne.

LA Mayor Recognizes Ariadne's Efforts
Ariadne receives the Lifetime Achievement Award “for her leadership as an exceptional ally for and devotion to the LGBTQ community.”

Ariadne Receives Lifetime Achievement Award
Ariadne was honored with the award at the Washington Blade 50th Anniversary Gala for her exceptional work with LGBTQ activism over the years.

AGF celebrates with Washington Blade
Drag performer Peppermint, DC Mayor Muriel Bowser, and Ariadne Getty join the Washington Blade to celebrate its 50th anniversary.

AGF at Family Equality Impact Awards
The team joined in on celebrating with Gigi Gorgeous and Nats Getty as they were honored with the 2019 Murray-Reese Family Award by Family Equality, an organization at the forefront in advancing legal and lived equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer families.

Paula Abdul receives the Ariadne Getty Ally Award
A champion for LGBTQ issues, Abdul joins GLAAD at the 2019 San Francisco Gala and is presented with the Ariadne Getty Ally Award for her admirable work during the AIDS crisis.

Ariadne Featured on Facebook Live
Sarah Kate Ellis (CEO of GLAAD) interviews Ariadne on Facebook Live on accelerating LGBTQ acceptance at the 2019 World Economic Forum annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland.

Ariadne Speaking at the 2018 London Mental Health Summit
Ariadne spoke at the 2018 London Mental Health Summit on the progress and challenges of the LGBTQ community.

Caitlyn Jenner and Ariadne Getty at the Lakers' First LGBT Night
Caitlyn Jenner and Ariadne Getty chat at the Los Angeles’ Lakers 1st LGBT night at Staples Center.

The Equality Lounge Panel at the World Economic Forum in Davos
Ariadne sits on a panel for The Female Quotient’s Equality Lounge Panel at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland in January 2019. Other panelists included Sarah Kate Ellis (CEO of GLAAD), God-Is Rivera (Global Director of Culture and Community at Twitter), Aria Finger (CEO of DoSomething.org) and moderator Hayley Romer (Publisher of The Atlantic).

Ariadne and Lorri Jean, CEO of the LA LGBT Center
At the LA LGBT Center Vanguard Awards in 2018 in Los Angeles.
Ariadne, August and Nats Getty Interview for Good Morning America
The Getty family was interviewed by Dr Jennifer Ashton, Chief Medical Correspondent for ABC News while in London for the 2018 Global Mental Health Summit where Ariadne spoke on LGBT youth mental health challenges.

The Getty Family at the LGBT Center Vanguard Awards
Gigi Lazzarato, Nats Getty, Ariadne Getty and August Getty are pictured at the Vanguard Awards in Los Angeles in 2018.
Taking a UN Helicopter into the Congolese Bush
Ariadne and Leigh take a UN helicopter into the Congolese bush to tour IDP camps during a UN Foundation trip in 2016.

Ariadne with Alyssa Milano at the GLAAD SF Gala in 2018
Alyssa Milano is honored with the inaugural Ariadne Getty Ally award at the GLAAD Gala in San Francisco in 2018. They are pictured here.
Walking through an IDP Camp
Ariadne tours an IDP (Internally Displaced People) camp in the Democratic Republic of Congo in August of 2016 through her UN Foundation partnership.
Visiting the Largest IDP Camp in the DRC
The AGF and US congressional staff members visit the largest IDP camp in the DRC with nearly 20,000 residents.
The AGF and the Uruguayan Army of UN Peacekeepers in the Congo
Spotted: All Gender Restrooms at JFK!
Pulse Nightclub Memorial Project
Artist Mr. Brainwash teamed up with Nats Getty to produce a memorial for the Pulse nightclub victims in Orlando in October of 2016.

GLAAD Spirit Day 2018
Sarah Kate Ellis (CEO of GLAAD), Justin Tranter (Music Producer), Ariadne Getty and Dan Reynolds (Member of band Imagine Dragons) are pictured together during GLAAD’s Spirit Day in Los Angeles in 2018.
Ariadne accepting the Los Angeles LGBT Center Vanguard Award
Ariadne gives her acceptance speech for the Vanguard Award in Los Angeles in 2018.
Ariadne Getty and Rick Parnell of RSP Advisors
Having lunch with UN Foundation partners in New York City in 2017
Ariadne Getty and Brother Mark Getty at the GLAAD San Francisco Gala 2017

At the World Economic at Davos
Nats Getty, Ariadne Getty, Louie Rubio, Serge Dumont (CEO of Omnicom Asia) and Gigi Lazzarato pictured after the AGF x GLAAD hosted lunch on the topic of accelerating LGBT acceptance at the World Economic Forum at Davos in 2018.
The AGF in DC
The AGF team on a trip to visit the UN Foundation’s headquarters in Washington DC.
Visiting a girls' orphanage in the DRC
Ariadne and Nats at a girls’ orphanage in the Democratic Republic of Congo on a UN Foundation trip in 2016.
The AGF in the DRC
Ariadne, Nats and Leigh pictured during a UN Foundation trip to the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Visiting a Child Soldier Rehabilitation Camp in the DRC
The AGF visited a child soldier rehabilitation camp on US congressional staff trip through the UN Foundation in 2016 in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
The AGF Team in Copenhagen
A visit to the UN Foundation’s Women Deliver conference in Copenhagen, Denmark in 2016.
A Tour of the Los Angeles LGBT Center's New Campus
A hard hat tour of the new Anita May Rosenstein Campus of the Los Angeles LGBT Center with the Center’s Lorri Jean and Bill McDermott. (August 2018)